Corrugated Building Siding needs to be installed on a building, along several wall orientations and elevations. Materials of construction were reduced to two considerations, Phase-2 PVC panels and FRP. Both materials exhibited similar resistance to corrosion while maintaining a toughness to physical and environmental abuse.
PVC, was, however, considered to be a safety concern that it would become brittle, such that it would shatter or break apart easily under extreme cold conditions.
1. SAFETY CONSIDERATION was the primary basis for pursuing a material test. If Phase-2 PVC was to remain a competitive, cost effective option to FRP, ALL safety concerns needed to be resolved.
2. COST– The company secured estimates that reflected a significant enough cost savings ($15,000), by using PVC Phase-2 Material over FRP.
To compare toughness of Phase-2 PVC to FRP, under brittle conditions.
Two corrugated panels were water soaked and frozen for 48 hours, mounted and bolted to 4″ x 4″ wooden cribbing.
Three weighted (4,8,12 lbs.) objects were dropped from an elevation of about 8ft. to the mounted panels on wooded cribbing positioned on the ground.
FRP exhibited severe cracking at several locations while Phase-2 had none. Fiber became exposed on the FRP panel and long term integrity would be compromised, i.e.., water and corrosion resistance would become nonexistent, strength reduced and safety compromised.
To proceed with procurement of the Phase-2 PVC panels as the siding material of choice with vendor’s standard gray color.